Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

Word of the year 2014

Whatever you can do
or dream you can,
begin it. 
Boldness has 
genius, power and magic in it!

My word of the year 2014

When I heard of the idea finding a word which accompanies and conducts me to the new year, I was filles with enthusiasm. You can find the instructions for the word of the year – here.

Many words immediately shot in my head:

Love –courage – heart – change – breakthrough – prosperity – abundance – freedom- peace- clarity- creativity- wisdom – connection

Powerful words! At once I have sorted some words out. There are so many years left. What do I need for 2014? What can I hold myself tight to? What gives me strength? What do I have to reflect from?

And it appeared crystal-clearly and for certain: 



Courage: latin /cor/ heart. Courage means to follow his heart and not the doubts and the old pattern. Doing steps into the unknown with trust

Courage means for me:

- daring new things 

- letting go old stuff 
- move forward
- making clear and brave decisions
- trusting on a good outcome
- clarity for my conviction and feelings 

- being perfect imperfect
- allowing myself enjoying space
- accepting offers without doubts

I found a great quote from Brene Brown:

Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.
Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.

I also needed a lot of courage to translate this article into english. Totally imperfect!

Veronika Krytzner/Stimmperlen
Bild: Daniel Stricker/

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